In the Rogatica settlement of Borike, the traditional culinary event "Borička Pitijada" was held on Petrovdan, organized by the "Udruženje Žena Borike," the Borike Church Community, and supported by the Tourist Organization of Rogatica.
Event Highlights:
Twenty-four housewives participated in the event with their
fasting potato pies (krompiruša).
The jury had a challenging task of selecting the top three
winners from the delicious offerings.
First Place: Zorica Nedić's pie was crowned the best.
Second Place: Branka Džida took the runner-up spot.
Third Place: Vasilisa Koranić secured third place.
Special Mention:
The award for the best-decorated pie went to Milana Đerić
from the "Udruženje Žena Rogatica."
Cultural Significance:
"Borička Pitijada" is part of the celebrations for
the feast day of Petrovdan, honoring the Church of St. Apostles Peter and Paul
in Borike.