Apple cider vinegar is a natural elixir with a wide range of medicinal properties.
Here are ten good reasons why drinking a teaspoon of apple
cider vinegar every evening before bed could become a habit that you'll soon
Treat Sore Throat with Apple Cider Vinegar
It has antibacterial properties and creates an acidic
environment. Simply swallow a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar an hour before
bedtime, and then another half an hour before sleep. Consume the last teaspoon
just before going to bed.
Get Rid of Morning Bad Breath
Apple cider vinegar kills bacteria and germs that cause
unpleasant breath in your mouth.
Stomach Acid
Restore stomach acid by mixing a tablespoon of apple cider
vinegar with water and drink this solution an hour before bedtime.
Regulate Digestion
Prevent indigestion by sipping a mixture of honey, a
teaspoon of apple cider vinegar, and water half an hour before going to bed.
High Blood Sugar Levels Are the Most Common Cause of Insomnia
Apple cider vinegar increases insulin sensitivity and lowers
blood sugar levels. Consume two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar just before
bedtime. Before attempting this method, consult with a doctor, especially if
you are taking diabetes medications.
Stomach Aches
Pour a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar into a glass of warm
water to relieve stomach pain.
Hiccups may disappear with the bitter taste of apple cider
vinegar, so swallow a teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar when you start
Allergy Problem
To alleviate allergy problems, mix a teaspoon of apple cider
vinegar in a glass of water and consume this mixture just before bedtime.
Suppress Hunger
If you feel hungry before bedtime, simply drink a mixture of
water and a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar instead of high-calorie foods.
Burn Fat Deposits
Burn everything you've eaten during the day with an apple
cider vinegar drink!
2 tablespoons chopped parsley, a large cup of water, a pinch
of cinnamon, a little apple cider vinegar, a teaspoon of honey, a teaspoon of
ginger, juice from a squeezed lemon.
Boil the water, add parsley, and let it cool. Strain, then
add the remaining ingredients.
Drink this concoction every evening an hour before bedtime
for two weeks. If you wish to continue, take a break of at least 3 days, then