Po peto put u Kozarskoj Dubici ove organizuje se sportsko-turistička manifestacija pod nazivom „Dubička regata“ , koja će se voziti od Johove do plaže Blato.
For the fifth time, Kozarska Dubica will host the
sports-tourism event "Dubička Regata," which will run from Johova to
Blato Beach.
This year's "Dubička Regata" will be held on August 4th, with the regatta starting at 12:00 PM. The expected arrival at Blato Beach is around 5:00 PM.
All participants and visitors to the event at Blato Beach
can look forward to games, dinner, and musical guests.
For more information and to register for the regatta, please
call: 052/417-356 or 066/926-503.